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Dr. Neil Schultz

12 Weeks to a Better, Calmer, More Confident You

With knowledge, reflection, and support, you can transform and do things you’ve only dreamt about.

Dr Neil Schultz, Psychiatrist

A Quick Hack to Combat Stress

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Understanding Yourself is the Key To Understanding Everything

Do you find life complicated sometimes?…  You aren’t alone.  

The fact is, everyone’s life is complicated, at least some of the time.

Sometimes circumstances throw us into a situation we weren’t expecting.  

More often, we throw ourselves into situations that predictably make life complex… and we do it again and again.

Do you get into conflict at work or at home?  Do these situations create problems for you?

People are complex, relationships are even more complex, so it isn’t surprising when people experience all manner of difficulty in their lives.



However, it doesn’t have to be so difficult, you can learn to change the way you think about things, learn to navigate your challenges, navigate the complexity of dealing with people.

These complexities can create a raft of problems.  Let’s take a look at some of them.


Problem #1: What Are Emotions?

Some people think they know about emotions, others admit that emotions are a complete mystery.  However, before you can get a handle on the complexities in your life, you need to understand emotions.

There are Solutions

Emotions are part of being human and they provide many gifts, but they also complicate life, distract from the logic of a situation, and create misunderstanding and communication problems. 

Understanding emotions is key.

Problem #2: I Lack Confidence

Have you ever noticed that some people exude confidence.  Not only that, they seem to be able to do things just because they have confidence.  How does that happen and why doesn’t everyone have confidence?

There are Solutions

There are different reasons, and different people have different reasons, but one thing that is true, is that low confidence levels can be conquered.

You can develop confidence, it is something that you can develop and grow.  Importantly, once you understand how,  you realise that you always had the capacity for confidence, and it develops as life continues.

Problem #3: I Am So Stressed

Some stress is normal, in fact it is necessary.  However, when stress levels get too high, it interferes with everything.  Confidence takes a beating, relationships become strained, conflict rises, logic goes out the window, and things just start to fall apart.

There are Solutions

There are strategies that help get stress under control.  In fact, you can literally control stress at your will and calm yourself down when things are getting too tense.  Even better, once you know how, you can help people around you become less stressed too.

If you know how to control your stress you will be a sought after commodity at work.  At home, you will help bring a sense of calm to the environment and create an easier life for everyone.

Problem #4: Logic and Emotional Behaviours Get Mixed Up.

Have you noticed that some situations, situations that seem obvious and logical to you, suddenly become an emotional war.  Logic goes out the window and once this happens, people don’t even know where to start  to solve their problems… they get stuck and can’t move forward.

There are Solutions

When this happens, if just one person can step back and re-evaluate what is happening, it is usually possible to turn the situation around and get it back on track.  Solutions can be found and relationships can be repaired.

You can do this, you can be the one to take control and create solutions.

Problem #5: What Drives Me? Can I Change?

People often make the same mistakes over and over again.  Usually, the error is not obvious at first, and then comes the ‘aha moment’: “I’ve just done it again.”  What causes this?

There are Solutions

Usually it will be a product of some form of ‘programming’ that occurred during life, especially early life.  In truth, to really get to the nub of whatever caused the programming, it can take years.  However, it is not necessary to really find out what caused it, the real key is to identify the pattern as it happens and ‘re-program’ yourself over time.

Problem #6: I Don't Know What To Say

Do you have trouble knowing what to say when someone is upset or even distressed in front of you?  A lot of people experience this.  It makes them feel inadequate and they often think they make matters worse.

There are Solutions

There is a solution here too, and it relates to understanding emotions (back to problem #1) and then being able to empathically connect with the distressed person.  Empathy is bit of a buzz word at the moment, but before it was in regular use, it was a psychologists tool, something that they used day in and day out to connect with people who were upset and distressed.

It is a skill and it is not hard to use as long as you know what you are looking for.

Problem #7: I Feel All Mixed Up

When things around you are getting tense, perhaps because of a conflict with someone at work, or at home, or perhaps you just have a lot going on, it is easy to start to feel really wound up inside.  It is more than just being stressed, feelings bubble up, and things get a bit confused.  In this state, it is easy to be irritable and to contribute to disagreements, or just not be able to feel satisfied with anything that is going on.

There are Solutions

In these situations it is important to look inside yourself, begin to understand what is going on, and put everything in its place.  If you can get your issues sorted out, you can step away from your emotional reactions and begin to focus on logic.  Now that you have regained perspective and can look at the situation logically, you will find solutions. 

Problem #8: Things Are So Much Harder In Groups

It can be tempting to look at problems involving groups of people as the result of one, or a couple of people as the source of the issue.  This isn’t always the case though.  The group might be dysfunctional but it’s hard to know how to improve the group and allow it to function at its best.

There are Solutions

The group has its own ‘life’ and the whole group is changed by the insertion, deletion or modification of one or more people within a group.  Understanding the system can be more potent than blaming individuals.  Alternately, you might find that helping individuals change will help other people in the group change, without focusing on them at all.

Leaders need to understand these ideas.  A good leader will understand the group systems and improve those systems.

Problem #9: I Wish I Could Persuade People To Agree With My Ideas

One of the most frustrating experiences is knowing that you have good ideas that others can benefit from, but you don’t or or can’t implement your ideas.  This might happen when you find it hard to persuade and influence those around you.  Some people do it easily, they have all the charisma, but you don’t seem to be able to influence the way you would like to.

There are Solutions

Persuasion and influence are important skills, essential if you want to be a leader, but they have a role in almost every part of your life.  This can include other places in the working environment and even your home-life.  The important thing to remember, is that persuasion and influence are learnable skills.

Problem #10: I Hate Dealing With Conflict

Do you avoid conflict, perhaps feel anxious or even scared when conflict arises.  A lot of people do almost anything to avoid conflict.  In reality, conflict is an unavoidable part of life, so much so, that mankind wouldn’t have advanced to where it has now if conflict was not such an integral part of society.

There are Solutions

Strangely, given conflict is central to the development of our society, we aren’t routinely taught how to manage conflict.  Research into conflict shows that people who do have conflict management skills find life easier, and companies that promote conflict management enjoy more profitable outcomes.

Conflict becomes a problem when participants move away from a logical perspective and into an emotional war that can never be won.  The trick is to recognise this and do something about it.  You can learn to manage conflict – it isn’t difficult, it just takes understanding and practice.

Problem #11: Negotiating Is Impossible, I Always Lose

Negotiating can be tricky, you don’t want to go in hard, but you don’t want to lose either.  Unfortunately a lot of negotiation is based around the idea that you will either win or lose.  

There are Solutions

Good negotiation means that both ‘sides’ win.  This usually involves some compromise though if everyone gets something, it doesn’t end with hurt feelings and relationships are maintained.  Running a negotiation might seem complicated or even haphazard.  However, structuring a negotiation allows creative, beneficial solutions to be developed between the parties.  

Problem #12: I Want To Be Able To Lead... But I Can't

‘Leadership’ is another contemporary buzzword, although good leadership has been important since the dawn of man.  Leadership doesn’t just mean the leader of a country, it relates to leadership of almost any group of people.  This can include corporate and government environments, but it can equally apply to family units, sporting teams or any other social group.  It provides a model for how you want to run your life.

There are Solutions

There are different ways of understanding what leadership means and how you can become a leader.  Some of the key ideas include seeing leadership as a service where ‘the leader’ seeks to help rather than direct.  Modern leaders are also aware of emotional issues, for themselves as well as for others, and are prepared to use that awareness in their decision making and the development of relationships within the setting they seek to lead.

12 Weeks to a Better, Calmer, More Confident You

If you recognise some or most of these problems, this program is for you. 

Over a period of three months you will be exposed to a a wide range of content that specifically targets issues.  This experience includes written content, questions that challenge you to reflect and, weekly discussion within ongoing coaching sessions.

At the conclusion of the program, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the key elements, this knowledge will have had a chance to be integrated into your being, and through practice, you will already have been putting your new knowledge and skills to practical use.

Do You Qualify?

As you can imagine, a program with this much in it is genuinely transformative, you will confidently be able to manage situations that you previously avoided because they were too difficult.

It also takes commitment and effort to get through it…   So I want to be sure you are right for the program. 

If you would like to qualify, fill out the application form and then make an appointment for an introductory session to discuss your suitability.  The introductory session alone is worth $500, but you will pay just $1.

Dr. Neil J Schultz


Neil has enjoyed a long career focused on helping people.  Starting as a general doctor working in hospitals in the late 1980’s he then moved on to specialise in psychiatry.  He worked with thousands of people experiencing a wide range of personal dilemmas over more than 20 years.  This included forensic and other civil court problems.

After more than twenty years in psychiatry he began studying law and when those studies were complete, he worked in mediation helping people resolve conflict.  At the same time, pursuing an interest in social justice, he runs a not-for-profit organisation helping raise awareness of victims of injustice.

While most of his career has been spent helping people already experiencing problems, working with people to avoid developing illness or conflict just makes sense, and this is why the program, “12 weeks to a better, calmer, more confident you” exists.

It is hard to imagine you could find a more qualified person to help you in your journey toward emotional competence.

People Are Transformed

Experts Agree

"When it comes to making yourself happy, you need to learn what works for you." The practice of knowing and understanding what makes you tick is called emotional intelligence (EQ) -- and, according to Bradberry, it's a critical skill that happy people tend to have in common.
"Emotional intelligence was a predictive factor for happiness in medical students. Students with higher emotional intelligence felt healthier."
"The trick to keeping stress healthy is to manage it, but is it really worth it? Yes! Stress management can take time and practice, but the rewards are great. When you do, you can expect some important and far-reaching benefits."

Why Not Take The First Step

If you experience any one of the problems, then it is certain that you will also experience some or all of the others too.  Imagine how your life would be different if you could change those problems and make your life better.

You could enjoy a life with less stress, have less conflict, be a positive influence on those around you, be more successful at work, have a more peaceful life at home.  The benefits go on and on.

So go ahead, fill out the application now, and receive a $499 discount.

Hyperconnected eBook by Dr. Neil Schultz
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