Developing Self-Esteem

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Develop Your

Confidence & Self Esteem

Confidence and self-esteem are crucial to success!

People don’t think about their own self-esteem – self-esteem changes the way people see themselves and how they fit with people around them.

You might think that most people have good self-esteem… but they don’t. In fact, 70% of people have low self-esteem.

You can make a difference to your own self-esteem. This course will explain how self-esteem develops, how negative self-esteem develops in particular, and most importantly, how you can improve your self-esteem.

Improving Self-Esteem Improves Success

Self-esteem is how you think about yourself. In reality, most people have negative thoughts about themselves all the time. Whenever something goes wrong, or they see themselves in a bad light, most people are quick to say something bad about themselves. Imagine if you had someone walking around saying negative things about you multiple times a day… understandably you will start to doubt yourself, doubt your ability, doubt everything you do. Confidence to undertake tasks declines, relationships become strained, people become irritable, and intolerant.

People who have a good self-esteem operate differently… they experience life differently. They don’t feel stressed about life’s challenges because having good self-esteem allows them to meet challenges. Good self-esteem allows people to be more comfortable with themselves and their abilities, to understand other people better and not be affected by interpersonal problems, and have smoother relationships. People with good self-esteem have better personal relationships, better work relationships, and, have better incomes because they rise more quickly.

Meeting Helen

Learn, Apply and Integrate


Everything starts with learning. Learn what causes low self-esteem, how it affects the way you function, and how it affects your life.


Once you know what creates problems with self-esteem, you can learn how to change it. The more you practice the better you will become.


Finally, practice what you have learnt about improving your self-esteem. With practice, you won’t need to think about it, it will become a part of you.

Dr Neil Schultz

Neil Schultz has been working with people in for nearly forty years in different professional environments. It became clear that a lot of the harm people experience is a result of a failure to understand themselves and the people around them.

The first thirty years was spent helping people understand themselves and others, usually in the wake of problems that had already developed. His focus has changed to prevention.

Prevention of problems allows people to navigate and lead happier, healthier lives. Of course speedbumps still present themselves, but with greater skills comes a greater capacity to succeed.

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