Using a Recruiter Saves Money

Acquiring new staff, whether they be for a replacement position or because of growth in the business, can be both exciting and exasperating. For some businesses, especially smaller businesses it can really ‘get in the way’ of the daily activities that must be carried out to ensure a steady cash-flow. But why is this the case, it’s just a matter of putting an ad ‘out there’ and then choosing someone right? Maybe not.

Steps Involved in the Recruiting Process

If you think about all the processes involved with finding a new staff member, the hours add up. Let me take you through the various steps that will be involved and how long you can expect them to take.

  1. Carefully identify the position requirements and write a comprehensive job description. (60 min)
  2. Prepare an advertisement (30 min)
    Proof the advertisement and post on one or more job boards (30 min)
  3. Answer general enquiries on phone in response to the ad – let’s say 20 calls that take 3-5 minutes each. (90 min)
  4. Review 20 cover letters and CV’s and create a ranking system based on essential and non-essential criteria – let’s say 20 applications that take 10 minutes each to review and rate. (200 min)
  5. Send questionnaires to all applicants and then review and rate the responses when they are returned – let’s say 20 questionnaires that take 10 minutes each to review and rate to remove 10 applicants from the process. (200 min)
  6. Write to the unsuccessful candidates being sure to provide feedback for each candidate to assist their continuing job search and to maintain and improve the reputation of the business. Let’s say 5 minutes each. (50 min)
  7. Develop a set of standard questions that every applicant will be asked during the phone interview to ensure that there is a means of comparison between the applicants. (30 min)
  8. Conduct a phone interview with say the best 10 candidates and rate according to the rating system that has been put in place. Let’s say each phone interview will take about 15 minutes and an additional 10 minutes is taken to rate them in order based on your rating system (150 min)
  9. Write to the unsuccessful candidates being sure to provide feedback for each candidate to assist their continuing job search and to maintain and improve the reputation of the business. Let’s say 5 minutes each. (25 min)
  10. Develop a set of standard questions that every applicant will be asked during the in-person interview to ensure that there is a means of comparison between the applicants. (30 min)
  11. Conduct in-person interviews with the 5 best candidates and rate according to the rating system that has been put in place. Let’s say each in-person interview will take about 30 minutes and an additional 30 minutes is taken to rate them in order based on the rating system so that 2 or 3 further applicants are removed from further consideration. (150 min)
  12. Write to the unsuccessful candidates being sure to provide feedback for each candidate to assist their continuing job search and to maintain and improve the reputation of the business. Let’s say 10 minutes each. (30 min)
  13. Contact referees for last 2 candidates. Let’s say 4 phone calls lasting 10 – 15 minutes each though this will be enlarged if there are difficulties contacting the referees. (40 min)
  14. Develop a set of standard questions that each applicant will be asked during the in-person interview to ensure that there is a means of comparison between the applicants. (30 min)
  15. Conduct second interviews with the final 3 applicants. Let’s say 45 minutes each. (135 min)
  16. Make decision about the final appointment and make a verbal offer followed by a written offer. (30 min)
  17. Write to the unsuccessful candidates being sure to provide feedback for each candidate to assist their continuing job search and to maintain and improve the reputation of the business. Let’s say 10 minutes each. (10 min)
  18. Prepare an employment contract and arrange for it to be signed by the successful applicant. (20 min)

TOTAL = 22.4 hours

It Really Does Take Some Time

So, at best, it will take more than 22 hours of your time to acquire one staff member. This number will increase dramatically if you conduct more than the minimum number of interviews, use two or more members of your existing team to carry out a panel interview, or if you believe it is helpful to use other specialist assessments that focus on skills testing or emotional IQ and adaptability.

This is a lot of time: if this process drags over 3 weeks, it means it will literally take one day a week out of your working week. Time that should be devoted used running the business to ensure that it is working effectively and generating the turnover and profit’s that you require.

Using a Recruiter Saves Time and Money

One solution to this problem is to use a professional recruiter instead. When a recruiting agent is involved you still need to devote an hour at the front end to carefully brief the recruiter and at the end, you will need to interview the final applicants that have been put forward, perhaps spending another 90-120 minutes. However, all of the ‘legwork’ that is carried out between these two ends, is passed to the recruiting agent which means that over the 3-week acquisition process, you will only be losing about 1 hour each week.


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Dr Schultz spent 22 years working in psychiatry and then went on to qualify as a lawyer. He has spent 34 years helping people solve problems and the unique combination of medicine, psychiatry, law and mediation provides a unique academic and practical approach to life's challenges.

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